Requesting A Pick-Up

Submit a request for pick-up:                 Access the Waste Management App


  • Use “Illinois Sign On” to log in.
  • Contact DRS before entering a chemical waste request of 50 or more containers and/or a large number of small ampoules, test tubes, or vials. DRS may be able to lessen your workload.
  • Please address any questions about proper disposal of specific waste stream to

To take a tour of the hazardous waste facility, register here.

To request a tour for a group (max 10 attendees) email

Instructions for using the waste management app


Additional Resources


  • Requesting a Waste Pickup
  • Search Chemicals
  • Clone a Request
  • A Note about Multi-Hazard Waste

    Multi-hazard waste is regulated waste that has multiple hazardous characteristics. Most commonly, this consists of waste chemicals that also contain radioactive materials, however, it may contain wastes with two or three of the following characteristics: biological, chemical, and radioactive.

    Multi-hazard wastes must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Describe your mixed waste and DRS will have the appropriate person work with you to dispose of it. Multi-hazard waste can be difficult and expensive to dispose. If you can, please contact DRS for advice before you generate this waste.

    Last Updated: 1/6/2025